Team Manager and Coach’s FAQ


If you have not already officially registered via Play HQ for either the coach or team manager’s role, please do so as a matter of priority. It is essential that not only do we have this on record, but the Association seeks this information from all Clubs also. You will also be prompted to add in your Working with Children’s Check which we must have for you to carry out your roles.

We will share the link for coaches and team managers soon.

Please note, if a team does not have a team manager registered into Play HQ by the end of grading games, teams will forfeit their games until this is done.


This is a mandatory screen test required by the State Government that anyone working with children, including in community sport like ours, must have. Please ensure that you have this and include it in your registration. Please contact our Club immediately if you do not have this check.  You can use the link above to add your details. 


You will receive a notification seeking you to fill in your preferred training time. Please ensure you fill this form out at your earliest convenience so we can allocate a training time to your team.


Please note that as of this season any player who fills in for 3 games MUST then register with the Club to be eligible to play any further games for your team. Team managers are asked to notify club admin once a player has filled in for 3 games to arrange registration if you intend to have an individual play any further. Penalties will apply to those teams who have player fill in more than 3 games such as ineligibility of that player for finals and teams forfeiting games in which a player plays more than 3 games unregistered. 

To register a player please contact the Club registrar, Megan at

Please see the matrix below for age groups that might be able to fill in for your team if you are short on numbers. Please note that if this matrix is not followed then games can be forfeited.


Please work with your team to ensure that you arrive prior to your game starting time. We like to recommend arriving 10 minutes prior. Team Managers are asked to promptly have the teams details entered into the game time laptop (or your nominated scorer) to ensure games can start on time and players are not missing out on game time. We also encourage you to check the fixtures throughout the week in case of any last-minute changes that may be made by the Association.


Please take a minute to remind your families that game fees were paid up front this season as part of the registration fee that was paid. Therefore, team managers wont need to collect from families during the season. 


Where possible we would like to ask that the team manager acts as the conduit between your team and the Club.  Should there be any queries about games, players or family queries or concerns, please have your team report these to your team manager who can then contact the Club in the first instance.


We ask that you and your team please remember that this is junior sport. We further ask that all players, team members and parents and spectators respect that this is junior sport and respect the roles others undertake to facilitate games, such as referees, stadium supervisors and many others who work tirelessly to ensure our kids can take to the court each week.

We therefore ask that during games everyone refrains from foul language, bullying and any other intimidating or otherwise inappropriate behaviour towards anyone else, including team members. Reports of such behaviour received by the Club from the Association will result in warnings and repeat offenders will face penalties of suspension. Adults are reminded that they represent their family members when they attend games. 

Copies of our codes of conduct for players, parents and coaching staff can be found on our website. It is expected that all members of our community adhere to these at all times. 

Let’s make this an enjoyable season recognising our kids are out there to have fun as we help to nurture a passion for the sport amongst players and encourage the development of socially desirable attitudes and values towards physical fitness and skill acquisition through play, training, and competition.

We also take this opportunity to extend this to our committee who all work in a volunteer capacity and offer their time and work hard to keep one of the largest Clubs in our region operating. We are always here to work with you and assist you and ask that you show courtesy and kindness which we will gladly return to any team member and/or family who reaches out to us.


The winter season kicks off on the below dates. 

Mid-week competition 15 April 2024 – 6 September 2024

Saturday competition 20 April 2024 – 7 September 2024

Season dates can be found here.


If you have access to Facebook, please ensure you jump on to our Coaches and Team Managers page. Here you will be able to get updates on what’s happening specific to these roles. 

You can also stay up to date generally via our community Facebook page and our website. 

Of course, reach out to the Committee if we can assist you in any way.

Junior Domestic Fixture - Saturday Competition

Summer 2023/24 Fixture

Junior Domestic Fixture - Mid Week Competitions

Summer 2023/24 Fixture

Vermont Vultures Registration

Click here to register as a player, coach, or team manager

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